Antinuclear solidarity against construction nuclear power station


24 aprils 2004 international share "Antinuclear solidarity against construction nuclear power station”, bound to an anniversary an Chernobl damage.

Share will pass in Piterburg, Kostrome, Ulianovsk and etc.


Information LETTER

5-I All-union (international) antinuclear conference

"On fetters to spiritual- ecological civilizations, mass media and àíòèÿäåðíîå motion: problems of opposition to the construction new  nuclear power station" with 3 on 5 june 2004 will be organizined in Kazan an  Antinuclear society of Tartarstan at the assistance of other public bodies.

In the program of conferences:

- energy and ecological problems, alternatives nuclear power station;

- reluctance to the construction nuclear power station and importing the nuclear waste;

-green (antinuclear) motion and mass media.

Demands, thesises on the conference to send on following electronic addresses:,

5 aprils 2004

Chairman of Antinuclear society of Tartarstan   Albert Garapov




That was. (Archive)
4 Exceeding All-union (international) antinuclear conference.

 6 and 7 december 2002 in Š zan is conducted 4 Exceeding All-union 
(international) antinuclear conference "On fetters to spiritual- ecological 
civilizations, antinuclear and antiglobalistic   motion: problems, prospects". 
Conference bound reluctance of construction Bashkir nucleus power station and 
renewing a construction Tatar nucleus power station, importing the nuclear waste, 
perfecting nucleus fuel  in Russia and other republics former USSR.  In the 
program of conferences:
-energy and ecological  problems, alternatives nucleus power station;
- a reluctance to the construction Bashkir nucleus power station  and renewing a 
construction Tatar nucleus power station, importing the nuclear waste, perfecting 
nucleus fuel - organizing, legal and other problems;
-green (antinuclear) motion, parties, ideology, co-ordination;
-globalistic and antiglobalistic, technokratic fascism and spiritual-ecological 
Conference will be organizined Antinuclear By The Society of Tartarstan, at the 
assistance of other public bodies. Thesises are taken (not more two printed pages) 
in the electronic type on below specified addresses (e-mail). Thesises will 
beforehand fit in Internet on Web -site on the measure of arrival. Regrettably, for 
want of facilities organization has no possibility to compensate participants a costs 
on the conference, pay a journey and etc.
Chairman of Antinuclear society of Tartarstan   Albert Garapov 
Address  Society of Tartarstan.  420034 Kazan p.b. 90.   Tatarstan - Russia 
Phone  8432-447757, 8432-565873 
9 septembers 2002£