Appeal on atomic energy programs


          In June 05 06, just to the World Day of the Environment Protection, some remarkable events showing the public relation  to this date have happened. First, it became known that thousand tons of radioactive wastes are being transported to Yekaterinsbourg (Russia) from Germany. "Green" anti-nuclear motion considers it to be non-acceptable  transporting  nuclear wastes into Russia. The wastes must be kept in the country where they have been produced. We are against spoiling Russia and other countries into the world scrap-heaps of nuclear wastes.

          Second, the Russian government is planning to build 30 new nuclear power stations to 2020. It should be mentioned that USA and industrially-developed European countries do not build new atomic power stations, recognizing all the potential - health, ecology, economy, etc., - threats of this building. The plans on nuclear energetics development reflect just  interests of  Russian and international nuclear companies.

          The Russian citizens do not want to have new nuclear power stations and new nuclear wastes!

          We demand from the Russian government to revise the energetic program, stop building nuclear stations, and pay major attention to alternative energy sources.


          A.F.Garapov,   The Chairman of the Antinuclear Society of Tatarstan

          S.G.Mukhachev, The Co-chairman of the Kazan dept. of the Soc.-ecol. alliance

          N.M.Mingazova, The Chairman of the Tatarstan dept. of the "Green Russia"party

21 June 2006